Morning Glories in 2001

*In 2001, I could enjoy three yellow morning glories. It was the amazing year for me. I must say gratitude to the friends.

"Little yellow"

This plant made the flower of beautiful yellow.
The diameter of the flower is small, and it is about 2.5cm.
But it was most beautiful yellow in these three flowers.
That scientific name is unknown.

Ipomoea ochracea

This plant has also nice yellow flowers.
It was very difficult to make this plant bloom.
It didn't bloom without short day treatment.
But it made many flowers bloom, and the diameter of it was about 5cm.

Merremia umbellata

This plant is not Ipomoea, but it is the member of Merremia.
It was difficult to make it bloom, too.
Because flowering was November, a seed couldn't be harvested.
The diameter of the flower is about 3cm.

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